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Club Rules

Our rules have been made to protect the safety of our members and to maintain a pleasant atmosphere for all. The rules are posted at the pool, and it is the duty of the staff to enforce them. The Manager on duty may at their discretion penalize, dismiss from the pool area or suspend membership of any person(s) who violate(s) the rules. The Board of Directors retains the right to end membership for due cause at any time. Review the rules with your children so  they clearly understand what is required of them, and please support our efforts  to enforce all the rules. The Manager and Board of Directors have the authority to  impose additional rules as is deemed necessary for the health and safety of all  staff and members.  

  1.  MEMBERSHIP is not transferable. All members must check in and out at the Guard House upon arrival and departure.
  2. CHILDREN AGED 10 AND UNDER must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who shall be responsible for their safety while on Club property.  Members cannot check in their kids and then leave the pool area.
  3. All children aged 10 and under must pass a swimming test every year to use the Big Pool and, until the end of July, wear a green wristband to help lifeguards/staff identify children who have not passed the test. Children who do not pass the swim test must be accompanied by an adult within arm’s reach of an adult in every pool. Children who do not pass the swim test are only allowed in the shallow end of the Big Pool with an adult who is in the water within arm’s reach.  Shallow end is defined as where the adult can stand with their head above water.  They are not permitted in the deep end of the Big Pool.
  4. The swim test consists of 1) swimming the length of the big pool unassisted and without stopping or touching the side, 2) treading water for 1 minute, and 3) jumping off the diving board and swimming to the ladder unassisted. This test must be done in the presence of a qualified staff member (ask the Manager on duty).  Parents cannot aid, help or influence (other than encourage) during their children’s swim test, this will result in a failed test.
  5. Children wearing a flotation device, in any pool Big Pool, Middle, or Baby, must be within arm’s reach of an adult.  They are only allowed in the shallow end of the Big Pool with an adult in the water within arm’s reach.  Shallow end is defined as where the adult can stand with their head above water.  They are not permitted in the deep end of the Big Pool.
  6. SWIM DIAPERS: Children who are not toilet trained ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE Big Pool.  They are required to wear swim diapers and training pants in the Baby and Middle pools. Failure to follow these rules may (under worst-case conditions) require the closure of the pool for extended periods due to the need to increase chemical levels.
  7. Running, pushing, or throwing people into a pool; loudness and vulgarity; wrestling; shoving; dunking or any other roughness in or near the pool will not be permitted. Floats will be permitted at the discretion of the Manager on duty and NOT in the baby or middle pools.
  8. The DIVING BOARD will be opened at the discretion of the Manager on duty. Only children who have passed their Big Pool Test are able to freely go off the diving board. Users are allowed ONE bounce only in the interest of safety. ONE person, whether an adult or child, is allowed on the board at a time. Divers should wait for a clear area before diving; do not linger on the board. Goggles are not permitted on the dive board.  If a child is learning with an adult, that adult must be in the water while they are jumping and ensure they are safe in the water until they immediately exit the pool.
  9. INTERACTION WITH LIFEGUARDS: Our lifeguards have an important and difficult job. Their primary responsibility is your safety. Do not distract them with conversation while they are on the guard stand. Please refrain from arguing with the lifeguards. If you do not agree with a decision made by a lifeguard, please address the issue privately with the Manager on duty.
  10. Proper swimming attire is required for swimming in the pools.
  11. EATING in the pools or on the pool deck is not permitted. Food should be eaten on picnic tables in the grassy areas. All trash and food scraps must be disposed of in trash cans. Grills should be cleaned after use.
  12. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND SMOKING/VAPING are strictly prohibited on Club property.
  13. GLASS of any kind is not permitted on pool grounds.
  14. Noise from devices (phones, radios, etc.) can be objectionable to others. Please use headphones and keep volume low.
  15. BATHROOMS: Please help keep bathrooms clean. SUPERVISE YOUR CHILDREN when they use the bathrooms. DIAPER changing stations are available in the Women’s and Men’s bathrooms.  Diapers must be disposed of in the appropriate diaper receptacles. Please wipe down the diaper table after use.
  16. The pool cannot assume liability for losses of VALUABLES or BELONGINGS left on pool property.  Leave valuables at home.
  17. All injuries (including bee strings) must be reported to the Manager on duty immediately. It is recommended to advise the Club Manager in advance of any allergies.
  18. INCLEMENT WEATHER may force the pool to close. This will occur at the discretion of the Manager on duty.  Check Facebook/member email for updates for long term closures.
  19. PETS are not permitted in the pool area at any time. Please do not leave your pet unattended outside the gate.
  20. LOITERING on pool property is not permitted. LITTERING or DESTRUCTION of pool property will not be tolerated. Activities deemed dangerous (e.g., playing in the waterfalls) are prohibited.
  21. Any disregard for the input or corrections from a manager/or lifeguard relative to these rules will result in a warning, possible loss of pool privileges, and filed member incident reports.